RMM's Sustainability Commitment: Solar Farm Projects Across Aotearoa
  • Solar Land 1
  • Solar Land 2
  • Solar Land 3
Jun 30, 2024
Over the past three years, RMM has been actively involved in the renewable energy sector, partnering with five leading renewable energy companies to secure resource consents for 15 solar farm projects across Aotearoa New Zealand. This significant involvement aligns with our operational and design policies; emphasizing sustainable innovation, kaitiakitanga, and respect for the land.

Diverse Locations and Impact
Our solar farm projects span the length of the country, from the northern reaches of Kaipara to the scenic landscapes of Central Otago. These projects are spread across 11 districts, showcasing our capability to adapt and tailor our approaches to diverse regional landscapes and regulatory environments. The solar farms vary in size from 20 hectares to an impressive 670 hectares, collectively providing enough renewable energy to power up to approximately 150,000 homes.

Rigorous and Collaborative Process
At RMM, we prioritize a rigorous and collaborative process for each solar farm project. Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of the landscape values of the proposed sites. We work closely with our clients to develop layouts that harmonize with the natural environment while ensuring efficient energy production. Key to our design philosophy is the integration of landscape treatments and ecological enhancements to mitigate potential adverse effects on rural environments. This holistic approach not only addresses the visual impact but also contributes to the ecological resilience of the areas we work in.

Embracing Kaitiakitanga
Central to our work is the concept of kaitiakitanga, which embodies guardianship, care, and respect for the environment. We believe in designing projects that honour the mauri of the land, ensuring that our final designs enhance rather than detract from the natural and cultural landscapes. This commitment is reflected in our efforts to incorporate native flora, protect local wildlife habitats, and engage with local iwi to ensure our projects align with Māori values and perspectives.

Successful Outcomes and Ongoing Projects
Our efforts have resulted in significant successes. Six of the fifteen solar farm projects have already obtained resource consents, with five approvals granted through the Section 104 decision process by various councils. The remaining nine projects are at various stages of design development and resource consenting, reflecting our ongoing commitment to advancing renewable energy solutions.

Expertise and Understanding
Through our extensive work on solar farm projects, RMM has developed a deep understanding of the diverse types of solar infrastructure and the specific challenges they present. This expertise enables us to identify and mitigate potential issues effectively, ensuring that our projects are not only economically viable but also sustainable and beneficial to the communities they serve.

Alignment with RMM's Vision
Our involvement in solar farm projects underscores RMM's dedication to sustainable innovation. By contributing to the growth of renewable energy infrastructure, we support the global shift towards cleaner energy sources, align with our core values of environmental stewardship, and demonstrate our commitment to creating landscapes that are both functional and ecologically sound.

Looking Ahead
As we continue to engage with new projects and partners, RMM remains committed to leading the way in sustainable landscape design. We look forward to further expanding our portfolio of renewable energy projects in Aotearoa New Zealand, continuing to innovate, and making a positive impact on both the environment and the communities we serve.


Photos taken by Paul Smith.
For more information on our solar farm projects and our approach to sustainable design, please contact us at info@rmmla.co.nz.
RMM Graphics