Paul Smith
Staff Paul S
Senior Landscape Architect BLA (Hons), NZILA Registered Ōtautahi Christchurch
Paul Smith joined RMM Landscape Architects in 2019 after becoming a registered member of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects. With over a decade of experience specializing as a landscape planner, Paul has worked on a diverse range of projects throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, with a particular focus on the South Island. His expertise has been instrumental in the successful completion of numerous solar farm projects across the country, a project typology he finds especially rewarding.

As a Landscape Planner, Paul has prepared comprehensive landscape assessments for a wide array of projects. His portfolio includes plan changes, the identification of Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL) lines, small and large-scale subdivisions, commercial developments, solar farms, quarry extensions, water and wastewater infrastructure, cycleways, boardwalks, and roading projects. His thorough and meticulous approach ensures that each project is evaluated with the highest standards of landscape planning and environmental consideration.

Paul’s role often extends beyond assessment; he has presented expert evidence at council hearings and the Environment Court, guiding projects through their lifecycle with professional insight and advocacy. His ability to communicate complex landscape issues effectively makes him a valuable asset in both planning and legal contexts.

Outside of his professional life, Paul is embracing the joys and challenges of being a new father. Despite his busy schedule, he finds time for his passion for road cycling and mountain biking, exploring the scenic trails around Christchurch and the Port Hills. These activities not only provide a balance to his work life but also reflect his deep appreciation for the natural landscapes he works to preserve and enhance.

Paul's dedication to landscape planning, combined with his extensive experience and proactive approach, ensures that each project he undertakes is executed with precision and care. His contributions to RMM Landscape Architects continue to uphold the firm’s reputation for excellence in landscape architecture and planning throughout New Zealand.
  • Loves Working with clients to make their dreams a reality and being privileged to see some of the most amazing parts of Aotearoa.
  • Moves Like the wind by bike and on foot.
  • Place The Good Home in Prebbleton and at home with his family.
  • Supports Healthy living and being active every day.
  • Listens The Social Distance and the Cycling Collab Podcasts, and any podcast with good chat.
  • Drinks Oat milk flat whites and craft beers.
  • Eats With family and friends, but always keen on a delicious burger.
  • Wishes For a caravan and a road to nowhere.
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