RMM's Ōtautahi Studio Says Bonjour to Laëlys
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Jan 28, 2024
We are delighted to introduce Laëlys, a talented French landscape engineering student, who will be joining our Christchurch team as an intern until July 2024.

International Experience and Passion for Nature
Having recently completed a semester of studies in Canada, Laëlys is eager to explore New Zealand's unique ecosystems and apply her knowledge as a trainee landscape architect. With a strong aspiration to specialize in the preservation of natural environments, she brings a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to our projects.

Enthusiast for the Outdoors
Laëlys has a deep love for nature and is always keen for a hike to uncover hidden corners of the wilderness. Her passion for the outdoors aligns perfectly with our commitment to creating sustainable and harmonious landscapes.

We are excited to have Laëlys join the RMM team and look forward to the contributions she will bring to our projects.
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