Celebrating the Opening of Stage 1 at OCHT Brougham Street
Article OCHT
Feb 03, 2021
Last week marked a significant milestone for RMM as we attended the opening of Stage 1 of the Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust (OCHT)'s Brougham Street community housing development. This event celebrates the collaborative efforts of OCHT, Southbase Construction, South by Southeast Architects, and RMM in bringing this project to life, providing wonderful new homes for tenants.

A Collaborative Effort
Working alongside OCHT, Southbase Construction, and South by Southeast Architects has been an incredible journey. Our shared vision of creating high-quality, sustainable, and community-focused housing has driven the success of this project. The homes in Stage 1 are a testament to what can be achieved through dedicated teamwork and a commitment to excellence.

Looking Ahead to Future Stages
With Stage 1 now complete and residents moving into their new homes, our attention turns to the next phases of the development. The construction of the remaining two stages is expected to be finished later this year. We eagerly anticipate seeing the entire project come to fruition and watching the landscaping along Brougham Street flourish, enhancing the overall aesthetic and livability of the community.

Enhancing Community Living
The Brougham Street development is more than just a housing project; it’s about creating a vibrant, supportive community for its residents. The thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces and landscaping will provide areas for relaxation, social interaction, and a connection to nature, enriching the lives of those who call this development home.

Commitment to Excellence
RMM is proud to be part of this transformative project, which aligns with our commitment to creating environments that improve the quality of life for all residents. The opening of Stage 1 is a significant achievement, and we look forward to continuing our work on this development, ensuring that each stage meets the highest standards of design and functionality.
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