Wade Robertson

General Manager | Landscape Architect
BLA (Hons) MLA, NZILA Registered
Ōtautahi Christchurch
Wade Robertson, General Manager of RMM Landscape Architects, brings over 20 years of experience in landscape architecture and business leadership to the firm.
He joined RMM as General Manager at the beginning of 2025, working alongside the Directors and senior leadership team to drive the strategic direction of the business and oversee its daily operations.
Wade has worked for several NZ-based landscape architecture and international multi-disciplinary consultancies, which means he brings a highly experienced and unique, design-led perspective to business leadership and the delivery of landscape architecture services to the market.
Wade is known for his authenticity and constant drive for improvement. He’s open, honest, approachable and communication is a real strength. He values the power of storytelling. Whether it’s painting a picture of the future or explaining the intricacies of how to achieve project and business outcomes, Wade’s systems and design thinking approach means he’s adept at ‘working through the scales’, telling a good story and bringing people along on a journey.
As a Registered landscape architect, Wade brings significant experience in the field of landscape assessment, having worked on a wide range of projects from urban and peri-urban land development, to large scale transport and utilities throughout New Zealand. He promotes a design-led and outcomes-based approach to landscape assessment that seeks outcomes that respond to sense of place, recognise landscape values and minimise effects on the environment. Wade is one of New Zealand’s leading landscape assessment experts, having prepared and presented evidence for a range of projects at both District Council and Environment Court hearings.
In addition to being a practicing landscape architect, the last decade of Wade’s career has been in business leadership roles. He’s led multi-disciplinary design teams, bringing together landscape architecture, urban design and architectural disciplines under a common ‘creative design’ environment. More recently he’s been responsible for the overarching Practice direction for a 300+ business of designers, planners, environmental professionals and transport planners. His experience in these roles involves vision setting, strategy development, plan implementation and oversight of operational environments to achieve planned business outcomes. When combined with his landscape architectural foundation, his business leadership experience means he’s well placed to effectively manage the landscape architectural design and planning aspects of the entire RMM practice.
He joined RMM as General Manager at the beginning of 2025, working alongside the Directors and senior leadership team to drive the strategic direction of the business and oversee its daily operations.
Wade has worked for several NZ-based landscape architecture and international multi-disciplinary consultancies, which means he brings a highly experienced and unique, design-led perspective to business leadership and the delivery of landscape architecture services to the market.
Wade is known for his authenticity and constant drive for improvement. He’s open, honest, approachable and communication is a real strength. He values the power of storytelling. Whether it’s painting a picture of the future or explaining the intricacies of how to achieve project and business outcomes, Wade’s systems and design thinking approach means he’s adept at ‘working through the scales’, telling a good story and bringing people along on a journey.
As a Registered landscape architect, Wade brings significant experience in the field of landscape assessment, having worked on a wide range of projects from urban and peri-urban land development, to large scale transport and utilities throughout New Zealand. He promotes a design-led and outcomes-based approach to landscape assessment that seeks outcomes that respond to sense of place, recognise landscape values and minimise effects on the environment. Wade is one of New Zealand’s leading landscape assessment experts, having prepared and presented evidence for a range of projects at both District Council and Environment Court hearings.
In addition to being a practicing landscape architect, the last decade of Wade’s career has been in business leadership roles. He’s led multi-disciplinary design teams, bringing together landscape architecture, urban design and architectural disciplines under a common ‘creative design’ environment. More recently he’s been responsible for the overarching Practice direction for a 300+ business of designers, planners, environmental professionals and transport planners. His experience in these roles involves vision setting, strategy development, plan implementation and oversight of operational environments to achieve planned business outcomes. When combined with his landscape architectural foundation, his business leadership experience means he’s well placed to effectively manage the landscape architectural design and planning aspects of the entire RMM practice.
- Likes
- Loves A good old-fashioned yarn! A few beers with friends (or strangers for that matter) and talking nonsense is one of life’s true delights.
- Moves Bike mostly, offset by an 86 XF Falcon on the odd occasion. Walking and running with the hound (Nova the Staffy)
- Place Being in, on or around fresh water. Being up high in the Southern Alps isn’t a bad place to be either.
- Supports Anyone that has a bit of self-determination and wants to give things a crack!
- Listens My Spotify is all over the show, but if I was forced to choose, it’d be 90’s rock and hip hop.
- Eats Can’t live without a medium rare steak or carrot cake.
- Plays Cricket with a touch of running and gym time thrown in.
- Drinks Beer & Whiskey.
- Coffee Yup, long black with a touch of cream please.
- Wishes Someone else would empty the rubbish bins.