Tony Milne
Staff Tony M
Director | Landscape Architect BLA (Hons), BA, NZILA Fellow Ōtautahi Christchurch
Tony Milne, co-owner and co-director of RMM Landscape Architects, brings over 30 years of distinguished experience in landscape architecture to the firm.

Throughout his career, Tony has developed deep expertise in landscape architecture consultancy, consistently demonstrating his proactive and determined approach to achieving success and meeting project deadlines.

Tony’s proficiency spans the full spectrum of landscape architecture services. He has an impressive portfolio that includes designing urban streetscapes, public infrastructure, commercial office spaces, ecological reserves, residential gardens, and recreational environments. Additionally, Tony is adept at preparing detailed assessments of the landscape and visual effects of project proposals. His extensive and diverse experience ensures that he can effectively manage the landscape architectural design and planning aspects of the practice across all RMM studios, fostering an environment of continuous evolution, innovation, and excellence.

Tony is known for his professionalism, respect, and trustworthiness, which he brings to every project. He excels in team environments, where his collaborative spirit and creative problem-solving skills enable those around him to thrive. Tony’s strong client focus drives him to thoroughly understand the nuances of each client’s perspective, allowing him to add substantial value to their projects.

With exceptional communication and liaison skills, Tony is particularly effective when collaborating with other consultants. His experience in presenting projects at political meetings and public workshops has honed his ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and precision. This skill set is crucial in ensuring that project stakeholders are well-informed and aligned throughout the project lifecycle.

Tony’s genuine passion for leading multi-disciplinary teams to deliver successful projects is evident in his work. He has a remarkable ability to develop innovative, cost-effective design solutions grounded in sound practical experience and knowledge. This approach ensures that RMM’s projects are not only creative and visually appealing but also practical and sustainable.

As a proud fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA), Tony plays a vital role in advancing the profession. He is an active member of the NZILA National Advocacy Panel, contributing to the development and promotion of high standards within the industry. Tony also shares his insights and perspectives as a regular columnist in Abode Magazine, providing valuable commentary on the field of landscape architecture. Additionally, he is a sought-after speaker at design and landscape architecture conferences, where he continues to inspire and influence his peers.

Tony Milne’s leadership and expertise make him an invaluable asset to RMM Landscape Architects, driving the firm’s commitment to innovation, excellence, and client satisfaction in every project.
  • Moves Increasingly on his e-bike.
  • Plays Cricket and laces up his running shoes as often as he can.
  • Place Two Thumb Brewery.
  • Supports The wellbeing of our RMM Team.
  • Listens National Radio and the tunes on our studio Tivoli.
  • Reads The Press on a daily basis.
  • Drinks Anything from an espresso to a hoppy IPA.
  • Coffee The studio coffee machine which uses Krank beans.
  • Wishes For the perfect cheese roll.
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